the book & sacramentals
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Badge of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
The Brown Scapular of Mt. Carmel
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from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
Any mother who feels the call to become a member of this movement may do so by observing the following:
Making the “Consecration to the Mother of God”
Following the basic tenets of the movement as announced by our Lord on the feast of the Annunciation.
Observing the major requests in the heart of the movement as written by Mariamante
Consecration to Mary, the Mother of God
“O Exalted Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I consecrate myself to thee this day and humbly ask thee to take me under thy constant care and protection as thy devoted child.
O tender Mother of Our Redeemer, fill me with thy love for your beloved Son and make me into a likeness of Him and thyself. Fashion my heart after thy Heart. Make it tender, pure, gentle, and kind. Give me great reverence for life, and devotion to duty.
O Spouse of the Holy Spirit, fill me with thy virtues that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may become a true spouse of Jesus Christ.
O Star of the Sea, guiding light, ever guide me into a deeper union with Jesus that I may glorify Him in time and eternity for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity, now and forever, Amen.
St. Joseph, pray for us.
All ye Holy Angels and Saints, pray for us.
— from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
basic tenets of the Apostolate
from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
It is to be named after My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Mother of God, and will be called the Apostolate of Holy Motherhood in Catholic Families. This Apostolate will be approved by the Holy Father and will be promulgated amongst the families of My Church in the four corners of the earth. It will do great good and help much in stemming the tide of evil ravaging so many families today.
There will be three basic tenets, that they, the members, must follow:
They must devote all their time, energy, and resources, including their very selves to the greater glory of God and the pursuit of the Divine Will in their lives;
(they) must be consecrated to My Most Holy Mother under the title ‘Mother of God’;
(they) must seek to fulfill their daily duties, that is, as mothers and wives in an exemplary manner of holiness by pursuing the contemplative life in their homes.
heart of the movement.
by Mariamante, from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
†An Apostolate of mothers consecrated to the Mother of God for the glory of God
†Pursuit of the Divine Will in their lives
†Contemplative prayer
†Eucharistic Adoration
†Practice of evangelical purity
†Devotion to the Christ Child
Esteem and appreciation for children
†Devotion to the Holy Family
Communication of the faith to their children
†Fifteen decade daily Rosary
†Wearing of the Scapular and the Sacred Heart Badge
†Intense sacramental life, frequent Confession and Communion
†Devotion to the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts
†Practice of the Nine First Fridays and Five First Saturdays, reparation for sin
†Devotion to duty
†Fidelity to the Holy Father, the Magisterium, and all the teachings of the Church (both faith and morals)
†Upholding of all the moral teachings of the Church
†Prayers for purity in the world
†Prayers for the mitigation of suffering of innocent children in the world
†Prayers for priests
“I say to all who read this: Respond now with your fiat and let it be wholehearted so that you will aid in the Triumph of My Mother, which will be the salvation of the world in this generation and the era of peace of which she spoke at Fatima. Now is the time. Do not delay.”
- the Christ Child to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood