“My Mother is the perfect image of the unsoiled being you are all meant to be, that is, unspotted by sin or corruption of any sort. She alone has been preserved from this and given this great honor as a foreshadow of My own glory to be poured out on men in the graciousness of your God Who wished to save you from perdition.”

— The Christ Child to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood


consecration to Mary as the Mother of God

from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood

“O Exalted Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I consecrate myself to thee this day and humbly ask thee to take me under thy constant care and protection as thy devoted child.

O tender Mother of Our Redeemer, fill me with thy love for your beloved Son and make me into a likeness of Him and thyself. Fashion my heart after thy Heart. Make it tender, pure, gentle, and kind. Give me great reverence for life, and devotion to duty.

O Spouse of the Holy Spirit, fill me with thy virtues that by the power of the Holy Spirit I may become a true spouse of Jesus Christ.

O Star of the Sea, guiding light, ever guide me into a deeper union with Jesus that I may glorify Him in time and eternity for the greater glory of the Most Holy Trinity, now and forever, Amen.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

All ye Holy Angels and Saints, pray for us.

on prayer.

from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood

All members of My Mother’s apostolates, pray for sinners and an end to this calamity that has befallen My Church, that is, the reception of Holy Communion by so many who are not in a state of grace. Invoke the Saints in this struggle for justice.

The merits of the Saints should be drawn upon by all who are now living so that they can be united in the grand scheme which is unfolding from Heaven.

Pray to the Holy Spirit to strengthen and inspire your prayer life and He will answer your prayers.

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor upon His lowly servant. Imitate me in this prayer of thanksgiving and joy with being chosen by God to do His work upon earth.

My Mother has done so much for you. Love her also in return. Tell her that you love her often as it is fitting to love a Mother so.

Offer Him your every moment of the day in love and reparation and atonement for the sins of the world.

There are many souls who long to be released from Purgatory. Pray for them. These holy souls can also aid you in your journey if you call upon them. They can pray for you.

Prayer is the prerequisite for spiritual favors and gifts and must be asked for by someone.

Pray for the world.

Say many Rosaries for humility and purity.

Often throughout your daily duty, say “this is for the suffering of innocent children in the world.”

Pray for those who neglect or fear the confessional.

Sing praise to your Heavenly Creator.

I am disturbed by the number of My followers who do nothing to offer reparation for sin or pure love of Me, but spend most of their time in petition for favors and conversion of only family members. You must widen your circle of prayer to include now the whole human race if you wish to fulfill My will.

Pray to the Holy Angels often for guidance and wisdom to do God’s will in your daily duties, and they will help you to follow His will.

Invoke the protection of the Precious Blood.

All my children should pray for a willing spirit to do the will of God.

Honor My Mother as the Queen of All Hearts. Honor her under this title for it will help you to carry her in your heart.

Worship God in His goodness and love. Pray to Him in thanksgiving and joy, not only in petition for wants and desires.

With My Mother all is eternal springtime.…She has created a veritable paradise in her Heart. Go to her when she calls you. Follow her inspirations.

Do not fear him, that is, the evil one, but continue to do as you have done in regard to frequent blessings from priests....Frequent blessings of your home will also help in this matter.

The Holy Spirit, the greatest of teachers, will be your guide and light in all matters if you allow Him to penetrate your innermost being through prayer, meditation, and the contemplation of the Divine Order and majesty.

God is pleased with your prayers when they come from the heart and when they are united to me in my Immaculate Heart.

Pray for courage and I will be your strength, your courage, your fortitude, and I will prepare you for union with my Divine Son. He will dwell within you in a most glorious and beautiful fashion if you trust in Us.


Prayers for the Movement

from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood

O Holy Christ Child, enlighten our minds and hearts to the great dignity of children, who are cast in Your image. Let us love and guide them as we ought for Your greater glory.

O Holy Spirit, Spouse of the Mother of God and our Mother, inflame our hearts with Your Divine Love and make us into images of Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, make us ever faithful to Your Divine Will and give us great zeal with which to carry it out.

Dearest Lord Jesus, keep us always faithful to all the teachings of Your Church that we may live the life You wish for us now and in eternity. Amen. Come Lord Jesus. Come and dwell within our hearts.

Prayers and Poems by Mariamante

from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood

Oh Mother, adorn my heart with thy love.
Adorn my mind with thy faith.
Adorn my soul with thy purity and virtue in fullness,
That I may be made worthy to be a spouse of Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, Amen.

Make my heart a garden in which He may rest and repose His Sacred Head.

Oh Love Divine! Come dwell within me.
Make Thy abode within my heart!

My Mother’s Heart is a rose.
In parting the petals, I find My Jesus there,
beautiful to behold,
splendid in white,
shining in radiance.
My God, I love Thee, let me sing Thy praises forever!
Thou art all beautiful and good,
sweetness and light,
joy and peace. Amen.

My Mother will make up for in what I am lacking. She will make me pleasing to Christ.

Novena for the Feast of Pentecost:

from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood

Repeat this prayer for nine days before and after the feast, first in petition, then in Thanksgiving.

Come Holy Spirit, enlighten my heart to see the things which are of God;
Come Holy Spirit into my mind that I may know the things that are of God;
Come Holy Spirit into my soul that I may belong only to God.
Sanctify all that I think, say, and do that all will be for the Glory of God. Amen.

“You will all be receiving extraordinary graces who are members of this Apostolate, as it is divinely inspired and will be my own work.”

— the Blessed Mother to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood