
“My Mother has shown you the way. She has prepared My brides for this union of love, to sing praises to God. Hold fast to Me! Cling to nothing or no one else. Call upon My Mother's protection, but think of Me always as your beloved bridegroom.

The Bridegroom calls His brides to Him; come and dwell with Me on high. Make My Heart your own abode. Stay with Me in love; never leave Me. Think of Me always and I will dwell within you perpetually. I in thee and you in Me and together We will dwell in the Trinity, as the Father has promised Me. Be at peace, you have come home. Amen.”

Jesus to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood


the rule of life.

pray a daily fifteen decade Rosary, with three “Hail Marys” at the end for the mitigation of the suffering of innocent children

begin the day with prayers of love to Jesus and Mary in reparation for sin and for the salvation of sinners

visit Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament every day

pray the Stations of the Cross on Fridays and throughout Lent

practice the Nine First Fridays and Five First Saturdays

frequent and transparent Confession for all sins, even venial sins

frequent Eucharistic Adoration

frequent Mass

live in contemplative prayer

practice fasting and abstinence

practice lectio divina

encourage family prayer

wear the Scapular of Mt. Carmel

wear the Sacred Heart badge

place an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a prominent place in your home

the way of life.

embrace your crosses as your sanctification

fulfill your daily duties as a wife, mother, spiritual educator, and homemaker

be attentive, kind, and loving to your children, valuing them as precious jewels

practice holy obedience to your husband

practice humility, quietness, and evangelical purity

dress modestly, with Mary as your example

seek out a holy priest to be your spiritual director

read the writings of the Saints

cultivate devotions to the Christ Child, the Holy Family, St. Joseph, the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts and pray for priests, children, purity and peace in the world


directives from the Blessed Mother & the Christ Child.

for the rule of life:

“Say the Fifteen Decade Rosary daily.”

“At the end of each Rosary say three Hail Marys for the mitigation of the suffering of innocent children in the world.”

“I want all my children to begin their day with prayers to My Most Holy Mother and Myself in love and reparation for sin and for the salvation of sinners.”

“I ask that you visit Me in the Most Blessed Sacrament each day for a time and spend this time alone in adoration and praise of Me in this Most Holy Sacrament of love.”

“Love the Blessed Sacrament and spend time in adoration daily in His presence. Tell Him that you love Him and are grateful for the sacrifice He has made on your behalf.”

“Continue to pray the Stations of the Cross throughout Lent, and throughout the year, if possible, particularly on Fridays. These traditional devotions are most pleasing to Me and My Father.”

“I want all My children to practice the Nine First Fridays in reparation for sins and the Five First Saturdays in honor of My Mother so that the tide of evil sweeping across the world will end in defeat. These two monthly devotions, if practiced faithfully by My followers, would alone win this battle, so great are their power in the appeasement of divine justice and the eradication of sin and evil. Practice these devotions perpetually and you will indeed fly to Me on the wings of love as your prayer has been.”

“Confess your sins openly.”

“Although venial sins do not separate you entirely from Me, I wish for you to confess them so that you will be free from all sin as much as possible. You will always grow closer to Me through this holy sacrament and receive the graces necessary to strengthen you not to fall again in the same fashion.”

“The living waters of grace are available to you through the sacraments. Avail yourselves of them. By this means you will be kept free and spotless of sins. The graces of the confessional will sustain you in the turmoil of your own spiritual life and strengthen you in virtue.”

“Adore the Eucharist. The Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is the greatest gift God has given to man.”

“They should be spending literally hours in prayer for the world, according to their station in life. If you understand contemplative prayer and practice mental prayer throughout your day, you will be in union with Me as you do your daily duty. This is how I want you to be—living prayer-filled existences.”

“You should be eager to do the will of God in all things. Pray that you have this willing spirit, and strengthen the flesh with fast and abstinence from those foods not necessary in your daily diet.”

“There is a need today for families to seek out time to be together and to do things together, and particularly to pray together. I want the mothers inspired to this spiritual apostolate by these writings to guide their families in this direction, as the heart of the families which they manifest.”

“Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my Divine Son, must be your example in all things. Look to Him in the reading of Holy Scriptures, meditating upon His holy words. All that was uttered from His sacred mouth must be food for your soul. His words are as balm for the soul, and the dew upon the grass.”

“The Scapular of Mt Carmel is a sign of my protection. Wear it always. It is a sign of my love and will remind you of me often.”

"Wear the Sacred Heart badge and place My image in a prominent place in your homes, and I will bless you in abundance.”

for the way of life:

“Pray for strength and courage to carry your crosses, not to have them taken away when they are your means of purification and sanctification.”

“Remember it is in your daily duty you are sanctified.”

“The frequent reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and Penance and Holy Communion are the surest and safest way to Me, along with constant prayer and abandonment to the Divine Will in all things. This is your daily duty in the spiritual sense.”

“Be kind to your children. Mothers should spend more time with the children than they are in many homes. Your children are your jewels, your wealth; guard them as the treasures they are.”

“The important lessons are learned at home. Do not expect others to teach your children. This is your responsibility and should be your joy.”

“Obey your husband as long as it is not contrary to faith or morals.”

“Evangelical purity is to be practiced, especially by women and priests.”

“It would be easy for some to become proud or boastful by comparing themselves with others who are perhaps weaker in faith. This is why the importance of silence in regard to spiritual happenings is so great.”

“This lack of appropriate dress has become most distressing to Me and My Mother who is the model of all purity. She should be your guide and example to follow in this. I want young women to be modest in their dress, and I want parents to enforce this.”

“Spiritual direction is another aspect of your life which you must pursue if you wish to attain this perfection [contemplative prayer], of course, which is made possible by My grace. Seek out holy priests to guide you in this path. They will be of great help to you.”

“These [the Saints] should be your models, those whom you wish to emulate. They will give you insight into the ways of holiness by their lives’ examples and inspire you in a singular fashion.”

“Pray to Me as the Christ Child. Cultivate this devotion.”

“Devotion to the Holy Family has waned. This is unfortunate and must be revived in order to accomplish My plan for the world now.”

“St. Joseph and I will intercede for you in a most powerful fashion so that the holiness of these families will be evident. Many men of today do not understand the importance of the spiritual path and are living too much in the world. Let St. Joseph be their guide and Patron, he who sheltered my Divine Son and myself from the world. He will help you if you pray for his assistance and will be the Patron of your families.”

“I know that many hesitate to call upon My Mother, fearing it will somehow detract from their love of Me. How foolish this is. They do not understand the meaning of love. They would never think this if they understood My nature. I am never jealous of My Mother because it is I Who have planned for her to intercede for you. It is My expressed wish that it be this way. As I told you before some years ago: ‘In Heaven there is no jealousy,’ and ‘Souls are not worthy to come to Me first; they must go through her Immaculate Heart.’ I hope that many will read this and put the nonsense behind them that has been perpetrated by her adversary, the evil one. Never be afraid to turn to My Mother in all circumstances. She should be the one to whom you go and who will lead you to Me.”

— the Christ Child to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood