“I wish for the apostolate of motherhood to begin very soon. This will aid in my Triumph because it will include many mothers who will rise to holiness through this means. They will learn to offer up their daily duty in a most efficacious way and help to atone for much of the sin of the world. They will learn to use their time wisely, and it will be well spent in prayer, not superficial or superfluous prayer, but prayer that will pierce the Heart of my Son because of its genuineness and love. They will love their children and their husbands and their homes above all else except God and myself, and they will be shining examples to all those around them.”
-the Blessed Mother to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
quotes from The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
on the world.
Fear nothing but sin.
Be living images of Me in a world darkened by sin. Be the lampstand not hidden but revealed for all to see so as to guide others to Me.
Rise above the standards of this world and do what you know is right in your hearts without waiting for tomorrow to come.
Cast off the mentality of the world which says you must indulge in your own whims, and sacrifice for your families. This is true love, when manifested in sacrifice. Luxuries are not important; they could be your ruin.
You are wise not to talk on the phone so much.
The television has become an intrusion into the modern home. Its influence has not always been good and is leading many astray due to a faulty value system. Turn it off when it is not appropriate and do not watch what is not befitting a Catholic home. Do not let yourselves be brainwashed in effect by the faulty values of a few who influence this media to the detriment of the whole society it effects.
Stand up for what is right. Do not be silent in the face of wrong.
All authority comes from God. This is important for your time.
Do not be concerned about human respect.
I do not wish for My housewives to evangelize in the world. This is not their call. They should evangelize with prayer from the heart in their homes, where they are protected from the unnecessary evils and stresses of the world that I do not wish them to come in contact with.
on daily life.
Prayer and penance, especially the Rosary, and frequent reception of the sacraments is your answer to perfection of daily duty, which you are called to now by My Mother.
Do all out of love so that all your intentions and actions will be in accord with the direct will of God.
My Son has instructed you in the virtue of patience. This I wish to be practiced among all members of my Apostolate in a special way and to a great degree. Love is patient, love is kind.
If you wish to be holy, choose your companions wisely. Do not be taken in or have your faith whittled down by bad company. A person’s friend should be like him.
My Son gives crosses only to those whom He knows can carry them. See the mercy of your God—that He allows that you may suffer in the redemption of souls while making it your joy.
Have I not given you everything? Why must you hesitate when I ask you to give to Me in return what you have received by My grace and mercy alone? I say again, do not squander your graces, do not squander what I have given to you lest you be as the man with the buried talents.
You may ask me how you know what His will is for you—by what is set forth before you to do at that time.
It is sometimes necessary to step out in faith before something can be accomplished.
Do not neglect your duties.
Silence and obscurity. This is what I ask of you.
Love knows no bounds and embraces suffering when it comes because it knows its value.
Do not be afraid.
Remember it is in your daily duty you are sanctified.
Tend to your duties with joy.
Use your time wisely, as you may never know when it will be your day to account for all that you have done in your life, your individual day of judgement, your death on this earth.
Purification must precede any spiritual growth in order for it to be valid. You must understand this and remember it in the times of trial. They are only temporary, not everlasting like My love for you.
Rejoice in your trials; they are setting you free from the bonds of slavery to sin. Sin in various degrees, even minor sins, are highly offensive to God.
Those of you who are housewives will find that contemplative and mental prayer are well suited to your station in life.
I understand the difficulties of daily life, but I would not give any of my children a task which they could not accomplish.
Your husband must be made to feel needed and important. Help him have greater respect for himself and others. Kindness will accomplish this. Be careful not to let him feel left out.
Never be envious or jealous of others; and remember you may not know their hidden crosses.
on motherhood.
The Apostolate We wished to begin has been explained and announced on the Feast of the Annunciation, which is fitting as it will be the Mother of God to whom the members are consecrated, and will aid them in treating their children and families with the proper reverence which is being requested through this Apostolate. This reverence for the person of Christ in all persons, and particularly nowadays children, is the reason for this.
In regards to your own children, treat them with kindness but be firm or they will direct you instead of you directing them.
To deny human life because of the whimsical and precarious excuses of today’s person is an outrage against the Divine Order, and is directly responsible for much of the sin and tragedy that you witness today. How can human life be compared to material things? That which lacks life can be nothing in comparison to that which is eternal, the human soul. Such nonsense!
It is important to be a good mother.
Be attentive to your children.
Mothers, teach your children to be kind to one another.
Love and cherish your children.
Children need to learn respect for authority.
Cherish your children and give them the stable environment they deserve.
A mother must be available to her children when they need her and not busy about other less important things.
The important lessons are learned at home. Do not expect others to teach your children. This is your responsibility and should be your joy.
Discipline is necessary, but so is joy. Love your children. Many children are suffering from a lack of love. This is a tragedy. They are made to feel as burdens. Their parents should beg God for forgiveness, for he who leads the little ones astray will be held to account for it.
I am so pleased with what has transpired in your home in regard to the proper Catholic upbringing which your children are receiving; I wish for many mothers to do the same.
on authority.
I have given the gifts of spiritual direction to My priests and I wish for them to use them. Never allow a layperson to direct you in spiritual matters. They have no authority to do so. Remain only under the direction of priests. They alone have been given this authority by Me over the laity.
Love and holy obedience will continually protect all my children. Amen.
The true test of obedience is in conforming one’s will to the will of God through the voice of superiors even when the individual may disagree or not understand clearly the meaning of the restriction or chastisement. This strengthens the soul in a unique way by renunciation of one’s own will in deference to the will of God as expressed through his or her superiors. I am most pleased with this type of self-sacrifice, as it is similar to My own response in the Garden of Gethsemane.
Be obedient to your husband as long as it is not contrary to faith or morals…Even as I was obedient to St Joseph while on earth, as when we fled into Egypt. All authority comes from God. This is important for your time.
Treat your superiors with the respect they deserve as being in My image. Do not discuss their personal faults with others, for who is without fault? This only creates a climate in which arrogance can be fostered. Rather, if you notice a particular defect or weakness, pray for them that they will overcome this and be made more like Me, but never mention it to others. I encourage all My children to be obedient and respectful. This pleases Me very much and causes the Angels to rejoice.
Remain in holy obedience and you will have nothing to fear.
Follow the example of the Holy Family who lived in humility and love, deferring to one another.
on holiness.
I am in need of those to love Me in reparation for the sins of the world. Do not hesitate in your call. Come to Me now with willing hearts and spirits inflamed by My Holy Spirit with a supernatural love in atonement for sins.
Listen to your conscience.
Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, my Divine Son, must be your example in all things. Look to Him in the reading of Holy Scriptures, meditating upon His holy words.
They should strive to fulfill their daily tasks in accord with the spirit in which she [Mary] carried out her tasks while on earth. This will be a constant source of contemplation throughout their day, so that all that they do will be in accord with the will of God.
The goodness of your God is unimaginable to you.
The answer to all modern day woes is in the sacraments of My Church.
Confess your sins openly. This will confound the enemy’s wiles. He wants all to lack the self-knowledge which comes from confessing your sins openly and without fear of human respect.
Purity and humility, obedience and poverty, prayer and penance—this will lead them back to my Son Who loves them so.”
Arm yourselves with holiness and that which is holy, My sacramentals and devotions, so that you will not fall prey.
I do not wish you to bring harm to yourselves, but penance are in order whether it be simple abstinence or fast or abstinence from earthly pleasures. These can be the attachments which impede the flight of the soul of the individual to Me and must be done away with.
Be prepared through prayer and penance so that when your time comes to suffer, it will be a joyful acceptance of the circumstances with this divine union in mind.
My hope is that my children will respond with willing spirits and generous hearts when called upon to suffer now in these times when the salvation of souls of so many are at stake. They will be with you in paradise for eternity and most grateful to you for your little sacrifices which brought about so much by the generosity of God, Who honors even the smallest attempt if it is carried out with love.
I am the Queen of Heaven and Earth, but I too must obey God. If I obey God, why do not my children on earth do the same? It is so simple. God asks so little of you.
Evangelical purity is to be practiced, especially by women and priests.
Love your neighbor.
Never allow resentments to hamper your thinking or you may be taken in by the evil one in most subtle ways.
Practice humility and obedience and you will rise speedily to perfection.
This lack of appropriate dress has become most distressing to Me and My Mother who is the model of all purity. She should be your guide and example to follow in this. I want young women to be modest in their dress, and I want parents to enforce this.
They have reduced the thought of sin in their lives to practically nothing at all, convincing themselves that serious or mortal sin is nearly impossible to commit. I say to you this day, that this is a grave and serious error which you must overcome, if you wish to enter the Kingdom of Heaven which I have prepared for you.
Learn to forgive each other quickly so as not to hold grudges against one another.
There is no room for pride or self-glory among those who profess to love Me. They must love all my creatures, yes, even those who have fallen into sin.
Rejoice in your trials; they are setting you free from the bonds of slavery to sin. Sin in various degrees, even minor sins, are highly offensive to God.
Holy souls, beware! That is, particularly those consecrated to My Mother and belonging to her sodalities and movements. The evil one will use devious means by which to ensnare even the most unlikely…He will forever harass the soul with thoughts that one should be carrying out one’s daily duty instead of this particular devotion, prayers, or spiritual nourishment. Beware! He is after those with fervor in order to whittle down their devotion to a lukewarm and ordinary level.
-Jesus to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood
“It is love which is the force that brought creation itself into existence. The desire to be sharing this love outside of the Most Holy Trinity brought mankind into existence, the creatures who are given the ability and knowledge to love even as the Father and I love with the Holy Spirit, manifesting itself in a creative force so that We could share this joy and love and beauty with you for eternity.”
-the Christ Child to Mariamante, The Apostolate of Holy Motherhood